New eBook

Stop "trying" to do SEO

Google works from an algorithm. Once you understand a few of the important variables in the algorithm, you will have a better understanding of how to improve your Google Ranking.

In this book we break SEO down into 3 Pillars. Once you understand how these pillars work and affect your website's Domain Authority, you will finally be able to create a clear plan to improve your ranking on Google.

We cover all of the latest topics in SEO including

  • How Google (and other search engines) work
  • Why SEO is so important
  • The 3 Pillars of SEO
  • What is Site Structure
  • How to optimize your website speed
  • Why is content so important
  • How to create high-value content
  • What are backlinks?
  • Why backlinks matter
  • How to get backlinks
  • How voice search is changing SEO
  • Local search strategies
  • The future of SEO

Buy the book today

You know that SEO is important, but you haven't been able to put together a clear plan that creates results. With this book, you will finally understand how Google works and what you can do to see higher search ranking results.

    This will be the best money you spend today.

    This book was created after over 100 hours of research and interviews with the latest experts in the SEO field. So many things are changing in the world of Search Engine Optimization that we felt a new reference needed to be created to explain SEO is simple terms. We also wanted to create a clear framework for small businesses to use to improve their own website search ranking results.

    The Ultimate SEO Guide was produced by the team at The Virtual Marketing Directors. The makers of the Modern Marketing System.

    The Modern Marketing System includes an engaging website, an automated sales funnel, and a custom SEO strategy.

    If you are ready to upgrade your digital marketing, you need a Modern Marketing System.

    Companies that implement our MMS see higher engagement, better conversions, and more revenue. Schedule a call with our team today to learn more.